Concerning the Duties of Missouri's 7th Disctict Congressman

Dear Billy Long,

I write to you today soberminded but with strained spirit. We have to send a man to the U.S. Congress who will serve the people with integrity, commitment and efficiency. We need a man who means what he says and says what he means. We need openness from our leaders and protection from legislation of good intent - reaping disastrous result. We need a man with compassion, good ideas with the discernment to recognize truth from illusions. There are many in Washington.

We need a good manager who knows how to leverage the individual talents of team members. And tasks given in-line with the appropriate graces God has bestowed upon their souls.

In other words, we need someone who can choose the right man for the right job.

You need to be responsive, cooperative and assertive - but most of all you need to provide good customer service to your constituents, which includes my family, friends - most everyone that I love dearly. I need someone that will treat them well.

By the time a constituent requires the services of your office, circumstances are dire; We need someone who will work for us and understand the dividends that kindness and understanding can return. We need good customer service in Washington D.C.

The likelihood is high that a constituent needing your services is a once-in-a-lifetime interaction.

Make it count for them so we all can believe in the Republic.

Lots of money, timely quips and a good smile have gone a long way. But your enemies have successfully swayed the public opinion.
Falsehoods capitalizing on our natural inclinations lead our collective prejudices regarding all politicians. It's easy to exploit the notion politicians are currupt but sadly when these accusations are falsely made they undermine detection when real prostitution of democracy occurs.

Contrary to early reports, right now you're probably in the number two spot.That's ok, that means you'll try harder. Don't be lackadaisical or fooled by the offhand assumption delivered through a smooth talking corporate suit. The power of these individuals indicates a weakness in democracy not necessarily the true state of public opinion.

I'm writing this today because I'm angry. Men with great talent and dwarfed character have made false report carried through the entire district. These are talented individuals who can easily craft silver prose without a nickel of truth. In advertising we call it branding and the weaknesses of your competitors have been painted on you.

I'm angry because I've seen the fruits of true corruption. I know firsthand what happens when our God-given rights are denied by the lusts of ill-guided men who despise the road to justice.

A false report was made to the FEC (Federal Election Commission). Though a talented writer drafted the complaint; it has no meat nor basis in truth- by this I mean offering someone a job isn't a crime. Thank God almighty someone's hiring in this economy.

The United States Consitution guarantees our right to write. We have the Freedom to press the pen allowing means of peacefull protest to shed light upon the darkness ignorrace wields in men's hearts. See, if you didn't know already, the bloody trail of the patriots who fought for independence might have been avoided if a free-press wre allowed to prosper. Political dialogue of the day was shifting towards our consitutional philosophy. The idea of a social contract and God granted liberty were popular with contemporary journalists. These weren't the industry journalists we have today, but rather philospher kings who sought a better way of life in=line with God's best intentions for man. Freedom of the press wasn't established to give jackasses special rights, but rather garaunteed a man could write what he believed God was telling him. it lets us plea for mercy, express hope and share faith. 

I'm angry because I've been reading about real fraud, real payoffs and real bribes published through FEC reports for years. Even if you were generous enough to offer a job to the talented pencil pushing typist thoroughly enjoying a daily fraud-fest to the public - I admire you. It says to me you're the kind of man that recognizes talent when he sees it; moreso  the quality of man who desires peace from a misled enemy after enduring cruel attack.

Your only mistake was underestimating the wickedness of some men's hearts. I'm sorry you had to have that experience but politics is a contact sport.

The viciousness and underhanded dealings of a couple of your competitors has me sickened. I can honestly say they do not deserve to sit at the table built by our forefathers.

Some of them have never known true struggle, Democracy to them is just a game. They believe hurting you will bring them joy, something they can brag about a testament to thier ability to hurt the innocent.

It's my sincere hope that all of us participating in this process bow our heads before the almighty and ask for his wisdom. If we do not, the next Congressman will have achieved victory by laying a crooked path.

Fight for what's right.